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I came to practise therapies through my passion for health and wellbeing. I enjoy engaging with people and helping them however I can.


My studies in healthcare have given me a solid foundation of anatomy and physiology knowledge which I apply to my therapies.


I feel very strongly about maternal and child health. My year of midwifery training reinforced how passionately I feel about informed choice in pregnancy, birth and parenthood. This has led me to consider antenatal teaching, where I can specialise in Baby Massage, Pregnancy Yoga and Mother and Baby Yoga.


I plan to incorporate various other therapies in the near future including Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Hopi Ear Candling (thermal-auricular therapy), Warm Bamboo Massage and more.


I am suitably insured with The Federation of Holistic Therapists.


In my spare time I enjoy reading, gardening, yoga, movies, music, socialising with friends and spending time with my family and pets

Stacey Murdoch
VTCT Level 3 Diploma in Complementary Therapies

VTCT Endorsed Course in Advanced Massage

VTCT Level 3 Award in Healthy Eating and Wellbeing for the Complementary Therapy Client

Certificate of Higher Education with Distinction in Health Studies

HNC Healthcare Grade A



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